Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Cable Installers & Criminal Backgrounds - Charter Communications hired a contractor with a manslaughter conviction and an installer with a suspended driver's license and two orders of protection in his past. Read more
Suspect in sex crime coached in youth event in Chesapeake - Despite a conviction four years ago and another arrest recently on charges of inappropriate conduct with a child, the 38-year-old was able to coach boys and girls at the Mayor's Cup T-Ball Classic. Read more
McDonald's says it's beefing up its hiring policies to keep sexual predators out of its restaurants - Read more
School hired murderer; state cancels license - The license of a private alternative school in Gresham, OR has been suspended after a teacher's aide was accused of rape and turned out to be convicted murderer. The Oregon Department of Education also has instructed the Academy of Alternatives to complete background checks on four of its staff members. Read more
Bill to track sex offenders in care homes - The Suffolk (New York) Legislature is expected to adopt a bill that will require nursing home operators to determine whether their employees, residents, volunteers and student interns are listed on the state's sex offender registry. Read more
Nursing home worker checks can be lacking - Employee screenings get renewed attention after the case of a woman sentenced to jail for stealing elderly patients’ morphine. Read more
Background check could have foiled embezzler - Man had three convictions when the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality put him in charge of handling payments for water permits. He later pled guilty to embezzling more than $180,000. Read more
Hill Impasse Spurs States to Tackle Illegal Immigration - State legislatures around the nation are considering hundreds of proposals dealing with illegal immigration, reflecting the exasperation of many local officials with Congress's failure to contend with the millions of undocumented workers who have entered the nation in recent years. Read more
Food-stamp workers had criminal backgrounds - In a rush to find workers after Hurricane Wilma, Florida's Department of Children and Families hired dozens of temporary workers with criminal backgrounds to handle food-stamp applications that contained Social Security numbers and other personal information. Read more
Teen who says art teacher abused him sues board - A Miramar teenager who told police his middle school teacher molested him is suing the Broward School Board for negligence. Read more
Suspect in sex crime coached in youth event in Chesapeake - Despite a conviction four years ago and another arrest recently on charges of inappropriate conduct with a child, the 38-year-old was able to coach boys and girls at the Mayor's Cup T-Ball Classic. Read more
McDonald's says it's beefing up its hiring policies to keep sexual predators out of its restaurants - Read more
School hired murderer; state cancels license - The license of a private alternative school in Gresham, OR has been suspended after a teacher's aide was accused of rape and turned out to be convicted murderer. The Oregon Department of Education also has instructed the Academy of Alternatives to complete background checks on four of its staff members. Read more
Bill to track sex offenders in care homes - The Suffolk (New York) Legislature is expected to adopt a bill that will require nursing home operators to determine whether their employees, residents, volunteers and student interns are listed on the state's sex offender registry. Read more
Nursing home worker checks can be lacking - Employee screenings get renewed attention after the case of a woman sentenced to jail for stealing elderly patients’ morphine. Read more
Background check could have foiled embezzler - Man had three convictions when the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality put him in charge of handling payments for water permits. He later pled guilty to embezzling more than $180,000. Read more
Hill Impasse Spurs States to Tackle Illegal Immigration - State legislatures around the nation are considering hundreds of proposals dealing with illegal immigration, reflecting the exasperation of many local officials with Congress's failure to contend with the millions of undocumented workers who have entered the nation in recent years. Read more
Food-stamp workers had criminal backgrounds - In a rush to find workers after Hurricane Wilma, Florida's Department of Children and Families hired dozens of temporary workers with criminal backgrounds to handle food-stamp applications that contained Social Security numbers and other personal information. Read more
Teen who says art teacher abused him sues board - A Miramar teenager who told police his middle school teacher molested him is suing the Broward School Board for negligence. Read more